Hailing from Ennis, MT, Willie’s Distillery aims to produce spirits that embody the independence and authenticity of the American West. Established in 2010 by founders Willie and Robin Blazer with the intention of showcasing regional flavors, Willie’s currently maintains an impressive 13 products ranging from brown liquors to sweetened liqueurs. Today we look at their bourbon with the Willie’s Distillery Bighorn Bourbon review.

Named for the Rocky Mountain Bighorn Ram, this bourbon boasts few clarifying details. Concocted from a supposed “superior” blend of “fine” bourbons, Bighorn leaves open quite a few possibilities. Namely, is this product distilled by Willie’s or are they sourcing and bottling? While we’re left wondering about such details, the ABV is at least spelled out (80 proof 40% ABV). With little to ponder on this one, let’s try to tackle this ram!

Bottle and Appearance

Big Horn Bourbon Whiskey bottle

In the bottle, Bighorn radiates a light maple that retains its coloring in the glass. Giving it a swirl demonstrates a notable thickness on the walls of said glass. However, in an odd turn of events, the legs form before the beads. The legs present nicely nevertheless with a thick uniformity, even if they materialize backwards. Finally, the bottle, itself devoid of details, would benefit from some minor explanation of the juice inside.


On the nose, Bighorn initially produces a slight drying effect. Subsequently, green, moist wood chips kick off the flavor profile. Following behind and providing mild sweetness a grape sherry pops out. Next comes roasted nuts in the form of toasted hazelnuts. Lastly, a definitive freshly cut grass provides an unexpected yet effective turn. Though lacking boldness in expression and a little shy, the nose proceeds succinctly and pleasantly.


Moving along to the palate, this bourbon yields a mild astringency. Bighorn initially opens up with a eucalyptus medicinal quality not unlike VapoRub. This doesn’t persist long, and floral tones file in quickly. Though I don’t generally consume flowers, the flavor feels like geranium. Finally, Bighorn returns to a bit of normality as corn comes through at the end. Despite a well rounded body and a sleepy 80 proof, Bighorn lacks a smoothness on the palate additionally burdened by an alcohol burn.


On the finish, Bighorn throws out some spice and leads with a moderate cinnamon. Despite eventually transitioning through cocoa powder, the final image of this bourbon resumes the alcohol from the palate. Though not a fierce burn nor even overly detracting, it’s enough to be considered unwelcome.


Generally speaking, I prefer whiskey on the rocks. I find the taste both more pronounced and blended. Bighorn, on the other hand, falls apart with ice. It somehow turns into a profile that can only be described as a rancid pile of dry leaves that someone forgot to rake. Bighorn has the feeling of a bar fight about to breakout in a breakfast diner…so make sure to take cover!

Food Pairing

Not quite bland and yet not quite satisfying either, chicken and rice casserole corresponds well with Bighorn Bourbon. It does some things well, but feels more like a placeholder than a destination.

Facial Hair Rating

Circle Beard Facial Hair Rating
* Shaved head required

Bighorn Bourbon receives the Circle Beard Facial Hair Rating with an asterisk. A bit tough guy and a touch of generic central casting equals the shaved head Circle Beard look. Could be ready to rumble with chain wrapped fists or ready to grab a cappuccino after trying out for a television role. Either way, the end result feels predictable.


To conclude the Willie’s Distillery Bighorn Bourbon review, fairly routine with a minor blowout. Willie’s recommends this whiskey on the rocks. That absolutely does not work for this bourbon, and in fact I downgraded the final grade a notch or two as a result of how it tasted on the rocks. They also recommend it in cocktails, but frankly the moderate taste profile would be swept away in such a setting. At the end of the day, Bighorn Bourbon presents a decent flavor profile that does just enough to overcome an alcohol burn. The nose is the best part on this one…just make sure to drink it neat.

Final Grade: C

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