Hunter & Scott Bourbon Whiskey is produced by Reservoir Distillery in Richmond, VA. Reservoir considers the Hunter & Scott line a “younger brother” of the family. Research reveals that the differences between the lines center on mash bill and aging process, with the Reservoir line serving as the premium product. Established in 2008, the distillery promotes Hunter & Scott Bourbon as a daily drinker or cocktail spirit.

The distillery lists the mash bill for Hunter & Scott Bourbon as 75% corn, 20% wheat, and 5% rye, and all ingredients source from within a 40 mile radius of the distillery. (Side note: interestingly, the Reservoir Bourbon boasts a 100% corn mash bill.) The website somewhat obscures the aging process, explaining only that they use small barrels and consequently achieve in 1 year what typically takes 10 years in a 53 gallon barrel. My bottle, batch #22 bottle #75, claims a 1.5 year age. Proof lands at 90 (45% ABV). Alright, let’s see what this younger brother can do with the Hunter & Scott Bourbon Whiskey review!

Bottle and Appearance

In the glass, the whiskey displays a deep chestnut coloring. A swirl allows it to moderately coat the sides. Nice beads slowly form, and seemingly prefer to cautiously descend. However, they quickly change their mind a quarter of the way down and move with purpose. The bottle itself is tall and narrow, with copper lettering on a dark background. Interestingly, the combination of the two approximates the color of the whiskey itself.


Lifting the glass to the nose launches a warming crescendo that never fully materializes into a drying effect. Initially, the bourbon appears shy and reticent to open up. However, diligent discovery uncovers a faint mixture of plum coated in burnt sugar. Additional exploration yields a fig brandy background with traces of oats floating about. The nose does require some work to ultimately move the process forward.


Upon entrance to the mouth, the whiskey seemingly forms an aerosol that instantaneously coats the entire mouth. Unlike the nose, the palate provides a dazzling array of prominent notes and currents. Honey wheat bran exposes itself first, followed by a hint of walnut. Allspice along with coriander lurks throughout and eventually steals a moment of sunshine. The stroll through the mouth ends with displays of rum and raisins, and perhaps a drop of molasses. This bourbon has a medium “chew” to it, and at one point I forgot whether I was drinking whiskey or eating baked goods.


As the whiskey exits the mouth, an oak flavoring perches at the top of the throat seemingly unable to decide its next step. Just as your wondering if that’s the end, it drops into a strong cinnamon experience with hints of pumpernickel. Finally, a streak of rye emerges before ending the voyage. The finish in some ways offers the most complex aspect of the bourbon, as it lingers for a while winding slowly through several notes almost individually while maintaining a cool confidence in the process.


Mixing in a drop of water or pouring over rocks really allows this whiskey to play together nicely. It helps to combine the flavors that otherwise border on being unbound on the palate. This whiskey could easily serve a broad array of settings. However, its spicy warmth really lends itself to sitting around a campfire or listening to carols while taking in the glow of a Christmas tree.

Food Pairing

Like supports like, as they say. With that in mind, this whiskey compliments roasted chestnuts or ginger bread. On the other hand, it may itself practically take the place of a muffin or sweet bread.

Facial Hair Rating

Extended Goatee rating

This little brother finally moved beyond his whiskers and grew some respectable facial hair. Close to the common circle beard or regular goatee, the bourbon exudes enough flair to get noticed by exceeding the norm without taking an extreme approach.


To conclude the Hunter & Scott Bourbon whiskey review, the bourbon presents a fun, smooth, and easy to drink experience. While I’m not sure I would display it as the center piece of my private collection, I certainly wouldn’t mind it always being on hand. Recommended neat or on the rocks, only using it in a cocktail if it’s eggnog.

Final Grade: B+

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