Let’s face it, there exists a number of distractions in the modern world that one can engage in at any time any day any where. Cell phones, streaming devices, restaurants, food delivery, reading…you name it. Even if looking to imbibe sacred spirits, the shelves are lined with consistently new beers, different wines, and now alcohol infused seltzer water or kombucha. (Whiskey Rising fully promotes responsible drinking in moderation.) With all these options, why drink whiskey?

This is the exact question that you may ask, or may be asked of you. Certainly, whiskey may carry some cultural associations that muddle the issue. For instance, unfortunately many people first experience alcohol in a less than desirable way. Namely, stealing from their parents or underage parties in some rundown college house. In other words, illegally and with no guidance. In these cases, when liquor enters the equation it’s typically via shots to increase intoxication at a fast rate. Either way a bad idea.

Why drink whiskey

Aside from the unfortunate all too common introduction to whiskey, some cultural memes continue to exist. Ideas persist in the broader social context. Whiskey may invoke images of shining in the hills, or gangsters bootlegging it, or people dealing with their own demons trying to find salvation in all the wrong places. I get it – it’s been cast in a certain light which in some ways continues to this day. However, it’s time to put these memes to rest for the most part and see why to drink whiskey.

Capturing the Past

Whiskey does possess an interesting past, and obviously some people abuse it (like anything else). On the other hand, think of of the process of making a fine whiskey. A distiller will go out and collect the necessary grains. Many of the finer ones today locally source, which imparts a specific regional flavor as well as potentially increasing revenue for a local family farm. The distiller, upon completing distillation, will then put it into a barrel for aging. Again, the finer stuff generally implies lengthier aging time. Finally, they cut their product with water drawing it down to the desired proof, and finally bottle.

As we can see, distillation doesn’t just imply pulling the alcohol from the mash simply. Rather, it implies a distillation of time, place, and process. For example, imagine a fine whiskey distilled in Western Pennsylvania (home of the Whiskey Rebellion). Distillate from grains and water from the area are put into barrels, which endure the changing of the seasons and the effects on the aging process. Let’s say the distiller put the distillate into the barrels in 1775 and opened them in 1795. This whiskey experiences a war, forming a new country, changing citizenship, tax levies, and finally its producer fighting said new country over said taxes. Needless to say, the whiskey itself can tell quite the story. The region and the history are quite literally put into a bottle. Imagine hearing that story.

Why Whiskey

In conclusion, why drink whiskey? First, let’s allow this image of whiskey to start to proliferate. Put down the shot glasses and the idea of getting drunk simply for the sake of it. Rather, conscientiously sip the whiskey and let the story its trying to tell speak to you – every one is different. You may learn something about a place, a person, an event, etc. Be present, put down those cellphones and distractions, and listen to the story it wants to share.

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